Cloudflare is a global network of serversOpen external link. When you add your application to Cloudflare, we use this network to sit in between requests and your origin serverOpen external link. I am wondering if I should enter the IPv6 addresses or IPv4 addresses in the Origin Address field to get the best performance with Cloudflare Load Balancing (e.g. to minimize latency). Currently I’m using a cloudflared container and some tunnels, but I cannot see any automations which can automatically update any IP address in a custom rule.

  1. I use it a lot, all i want to do is hide the websites and stuff i do from my isp, i dont care if the site owners can see my ip.
  2. I am wondering if I should enter the IPv6 addresses or IPv4 addresses in the Origin Address field to get the best performance with Cloudflare Load Balancing (e.g. to minimize latency).
  3. When you add your application to Cloudflare, we use this network to sit in between requests and your origin serverOpen external link.
  4. Cloudflare is a global network of serversOpen external link.
  5. Currently I’m using a cloudflared container and some tunnels, but I cannot see any automations which can automatically update any IP address in a custom rule.
  6. Also, I see that there is a possibility to add a custom list as a IP source address, so that can be a solution also.

I use it a lot, all i want to do is hide the websites and stuff i do from my isp, i dont care if the site owners can see my ip. Also, I see that there is a possibility to add a custom list as a IP source address, so that can be a solution also.